According to a report coming out of Asia, both Microsoft and Amazon will introduce their own lines of phones next year. Foxconn International Holding, a subsidiary of iPhone-maker Foxconn, will reportedly assemble both of these devices.
While unnamed sources at FIH were willing to leak the existence of these two smartphones toDigiTimes, they did not have many specifics about them.
Microsoft's device will certainly run its Windows Phone operating system, but nothing is known about Amazon's. Still, this retailer's line of tablets runs a modified version of the Android OS, and its handset might as well.
There have been rumors about both these companies introducing smartphones for many months, especially after each came out with a line of tablets. Their plans are apparently moving forward, as the sources at FIH indicated that these phones will be released around the middle of next year.
While unnamed sources at FIH were willing to leak the existence of these two smartphones toDigiTimes, they did not have many specifics about them.
Microsoft's device will certainly run its Windows Phone operating system, but nothing is known about Amazon's. Still, this retailer's line of tablets runs a modified version of the Android OS, and its handset might as well.
There have been rumors about both these companies introducing smartphones for many months, especially after each came out with a line of tablets. Their plans are apparently moving forward, as the sources at FIH indicated that these phones will be released around the middle of next year.
Sources: BrightHand
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